Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wild is Constructed/ Conflation of the 3 Natures

"The removal of Indians to create an 'uninhabited wilderness'- uninhabited as never before in the human history of the place- reminds us just how invented, just how constructed, the American wilderness really is." -William Cronon

On the 'wild garden'.... "It is applied essentially to the placing of perfectly hardy exotic plants under conditions where they will thrive without further care.  It has nothing to do with the old idea of  the 'Wilderness.'  It does not mean the picturesque garden, for a garden may be highly picturesque, and yet in every part the result of ceaseless care."  -William Robinson (1870)

“The old farmhouse has to decay before we can restore it and lead an alternative life style in the country; the landscape has to be plundered and stripped before we can restore the natural ecosystem; the neighborhood has to be a slum before we can rediscover it and gentrify it.  That is how we reproduce the cosmic scheme and correct history.”  -J.B. Jackson

"The best thing I have learnt from my own wild gardening is that we may grow without care many lovely early bulbs in the turf of meadows, i.e. fields mown for hay, without in the least interfering with the use of the fields." -William Robinson

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