Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wilderness as the Other/ Non-Human, all Matter is Wild

"People are material rearrangements unfathomable sensitive to an immense spectrum of eco-emanations, able to respond and reorganize with stunning fluidity and to rebroadcast feelings and new feelings through an amazing catalogue of sendings... The problem for the painter or the architect [or the gardener/ landscape architect], then is more to develop new techniques of sending than messages to send."  -Jeffrey Kipnis

"People are caught in this place between recognizing themselves as part of Nature and being separate from it.  This double sense arises through the acknowledging of 'otherness,' or the co-presence of what is not of culture and what will always exceed cultural definition.  This is the wild in its most autonomous and unmediated form.  As a radical 'other,' the wild is unrepresentable, unnameable; and although  it can never be captured as a presence, it is at the same time not exactly nothing."  -James Corner (1996)

"The non-absent absence of the 'other' escapes being seen or said, and yet it remains the original source or all saying, the first inspiration."  -James Corner

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